Home Premiere Deep Stories Records PREMIERE: Herr Oppermann – Awaysome [Deep Stories Records]

PREMIERE: Herr Oppermann – Awaysome [Deep Stories Records]

In the fall of 2023 Herr Oppermann contributes the next release to the deep stories label. The Hamburg youngster is an established act and does his mischief in the clubs around europe. He is also host of the podcast „Klangextase“. His many years of experience in the electronic music can also be found in his own productions. With „Awaysome“ he expands the musical palette of deep stories records. The track does not orientate genre boundaries, but unfolds freely without getting stuck in familiar patterns. Just when you think you have grasped the essence of the track, there is another musical twist. A concise kick and catchy bassline lead into the track. In the further course different synth sounds take over the command and create a sometimes driving and sometimes dreamy atmosphere. Thus, the track always hovers between departure and lingering. True to the motto „Away, maybe someday“ or just „awaysome“!

release information

label: @deepstorysrecords
artist: Herr Oppermann
title: Awaysome
kat: DS0008
format: digital
mastering: @collected-berlin

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