Home Podcast deep story nr. 119 l expo electro l by Uner

deep story nr. 119 l expo electro l by Uner

‚Since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the city has held adistinct place in electro culture. Fort the techno scene, post-wall East Berlin was an instant oasis of new places to hold parties and set up clubs. In the 1990s, the techno and trance genres and the Love Parade played a major cultural and political role for the youth of reunified Germany. In the 2000s Berlin became the symbolic modern capital of techno thanks to legendary nightclubs and an international community of musicians, Djs and artist making up almost one tenth of its population.‘

So wird die deutsche Hauptstadt in der sehenswerten Ausstellung „Expo Electro de Kraftwerk a Daft Punk“ in der Pariser Philharmonie beschrieben. Neben der herausragenden Rolle Berlins werden auch viele weitere Aspekte dieser mittlerweile gereiften Musikkultur audio- visuell dargestellt. Falls ihr zufällig in der Stadt der Liebe seid, lasst euch dieses gelungene Potpourri der Beats und Bässe nicht entgehen. Neben einigen Klassiker der Synthesizer Geschichte, gibt es unter anderem ein Original Flightcase von Jeff Mills, ein 3D Konzert von Kraftwerk oder einen Bühnennachbau eines Daft Punk Videos zu sehen. Das Highlight wird für viele jedoch die spektakuläre Lichtshow zu einem classic Techno Mix von Laurent Garnier sein. Wir werden demnächst einige Bilder zur Ausstellung auf unserer Website hochladen.

Das elektronische Musik mittlerweile auch an Orten der eher klassischen Kultur aufgegriffen wird, zeigt den gewachsenen Stellenwert der einstigen Lagerhallen-Musik. Sie ist zu einem internationalen Phänomen geworden, welches Menschen auf der ganzen Welt in ihren Bann zieht. Wir freuen uns daher heute jemanden präsentieren zu können, der das Genre seit einiger Zeit begleitet und mit seinen Releases entscheidend mitgeprägt hat. Mittlerweile bespielt er die größten Clubs der Welt und lebt diese Kultur. Willkommen bei Deep Stories…Uner!

‘Since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the city has held a distinct place in electro culture. For the techno scene, post-wall East Berlin was an instant oasis of new places to hold parties and set up clubs. In the 1990s, the techno and trance genres and the Love Parade played a major cultural and political role for the youth of reunified Germany. In the 2000s Berlin became the symbolic modern capital of techno thanks to legendary nightclubs and an international community of musicians, Djs and artist making up almost one tenth of its population.’

This is how the German capital is being described in the interesting exhibition „Expo Electro de Kraftwerk à Daft Punk“ at the Paris Philharmonic. In addition to the prominent role of Berlin, many other aspects of this now mature musical culture are presented audio-visually. If you happen to be in the City of Love, do not miss this successful potpourri of beats and basses. In addition to some classic synthesizer history, there is also an original flight case by Jeff Mills, a 3D concert by Kraftwerk or a stage replica of a Daft Punk video to see. For many, however, the highlight will be the spectacular light show of a classic Techno Mix by Laurent Garnier. We will soon be uploading some pictures of the exhibition on our website.
The electronic music is now also present in places of more classical culture, showing the growing importance of the former warehouse music. It has become an international phenomenon which captivates people all over the world. Therefore, we are happy to present someone who has accompanied the genre for some time now and helped shape it with his releases. Meanwhile he plays in the biggest clubs in the world and is completely immersed in this culture. Welcome to deep stories … Uner!

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